over the 20 plus years that i have spent working in the marcoms industry, i’ve learnt that: working with the client is more important than working for one; a mix of honest & open communications with attention to detail yields more outstanding results over the long term; and most importantly, proactive out-of-the-box thinking unfettered by commercial ambitions creates an environment of trust and respectability

at bCentral by understanding of your business, we come to understand your requirements better. thus we are more effective in planning and executing thereby contributing to your business needs believing in the fact that it’s not just about making it to the goal post in the end, we like to make the process of getting there equally enjoyable; giving you complete access to what we’re doing behind the scenes, through transparent interactions

so, it’s not just a job for us. we’re here because we are passionate about what we do the smiles are real, we are not just trying to be polite

karolline immanuel
managing director